KUPKA DOILY: Cómo tejer un tapete abstracto órfico
Maria Sommer2023-10-28T14:05:55+01:00Hace unos pocos años descubrí el placer de ir sitios sola. Viajar, ir a comer, visitar exposiciones. + info
Hace unos pocos años descubrí el placer de ir sitios sola. Viajar, ir a comer, visitar exposiciones. + info
Acabo de empezar un curso en la Universidad Popular. Es un curso de "Psicología aplicada a la + info
El mundo del ganchillo, como todo, se adapta a los nuevos tiempos en los que todo son + info
I've already told you that my mission on earth is that everybody get to crochet a blanket. + info
THE BLANKET PROJECT (Crochet Along) WEEK 3 We've reached the third week! I'm happy with the + info
Today in Proud Teacher: My students as homestylers! There are no limits for them, they know no + info
THE BLANKET PROJECT (Crochet along) WEEK 2 Tell me, tell me!! How was last week with your + info
More works made by my students and friends. Aren't they awesome? And what about Susana, the cat? + info
Before the cold is over I would like to show to you how to crochet this + info
Minus making-of Want your own Minus? Pattern available here!