Marina Opina: AMIGURUMI by Jennifer Ramírez
Soporte2017-03-21T05:38:00+01:00By Marina D. Bárcenas What a great time one has when one learns to make something with + info
By Marina D. Bárcenas What a great time one has when one learns to make something with + info
Text by Marina D. Bárcenas This month I’m overflowing with joy as Maria and I were waiting + info
Text by Marina D. Bárcenas Now that winter is coming (you just thought about Game Of Thrones, + info
Text by Marina D. Bárcenas Photos by Julia Marco Oh my gosh! Hot off the press review! + info
"Sweet Crochet" by Sandrine Deveze, or a book where you will find many pretty things such as… + info
July brings you a book that you may have not seen until now. I am talking about + info
El mundo de Pica Pau. This month I am not really sure if we are having a + info
By Marina D. Bárcenas Let´s begin saying that I do not speak a word of Italian beyond + info
By Marina D. Bárcenas This month we have decided to go for “Zoomigurumi 5” because it is + info
By Marina D. Bárcenas Why are we going for embroidery this month? You will understand why once + info