Trizas y Trazos y presentación de Bellota, Madrid
Soporte2018-07-02T11:37:00+01:00Hoy os traigo un 2x1! Tienda y revista! Y eso que es verano y mi productividad está + info
Hoy os traigo un 2x1! Tienda y revista! Y eso que es verano y mi productividad está + info
Finally! Congratulations to me! I was so looking forward to visit this shop and finally I got + info
I was so looking forward to visit this place...! Just the name, which is Spanish for "Ferocious + info
I met Lucía in the WWKIPD. She organized a knitters meeting at El Retiro, and there I + info
Every year I look forward the World Wide Knitting in Public day. I love the chance to + info
Last month on Craftourism I told you about my first "yarn shop experience" in Amsterdam and today it's Madrid's + info