Proud Teacher: CAL Conchita
Soporte2016-05-18T07:00:00+01:00Conchitas of all colors and sizes, with ribbons, cheeks, upside down noses, eating burgers, with floats, climbing + info
Conchitas of all colors and sizes, with ribbons, cheeks, upside down noses, eating burgers, with floats, climbing + info
I have a scientist soul and what I like the most about crochet and amigurumis is its mathematical side. + info
Those who follow me on Instagram are already aware of what is going on with my Hen + info
It's been a year since I created Minus, started my online shop and organized the first CAL + info
Minus' birthday will be in a few days, and there's nothing that Conchita likes more than a + info
Meet Scout, the new family member Os presento a Scout, el nuevo miembro de la familia. Scout + info
When we realized that designing dolls is our favorite thing in life, we decided it would be + info
You've been waiting for this for months, I know, but finally I've launched Conchita's pattern. It's available + info
Meet Conchita, the new family member Os presento a Conchita, el nuevo miembro de la familia. Conchita + info
Meet Karl, the new family member. Os presento a Karl, el nuevo miembro de la familia. + info