La Manta de la Vida, (The Blanket of Life) is an initiative that started in Spain one moth ago with the purpose of knitting blankets and send them to Syria. Now there’re thousands of people knitting blankets all over the world. This blankets are going to en sent to APPS, a spanish-syrian NGO with is collecting winter clothes, medicins, etc, and they are going to send them to Syria the next 19th of October.

How can you help if you’re in Amsterdam? 

You can knit or crochet a whole blanket, for children or adult, or 50x50cm squares that we’ll join later.  Join us on our meetings on the 4th and the 11th of October, bring your works and knit with us!

4th and 11th October

We’ll also host a CROCHET WORKSHOP where you’ll learn the crochet first steps.

You have to bring your own materials (your chosen hooks or needles and yarns, for those who are coming to knit the blaket with us, and if you’re attending to the workshop: a 5mm or more crochet hook and a yarn suitable for your hook.)
Although the event is free, money contributions are appreciated in order to send all the blankets to APPS.

If you know another NGO that is sending things to Syria, please let us know and we’ll contact them.

Join our facebook group to keep in touch
More information about La Manta de la Vida
More about AAPS (Asociación de ayuda al pueblo sirio)
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